I got my new computer today (or the day before this is published), and I was able to set everything up to run exactly the way it did on my old laptop. This is a marvelous feat considering that was two Windows generations ago, and all of my software is circa 2005.

But now that I’m doing it again, I remember that coloring the comic digitally just isn’t very fun. I don’t think it looks great, and a few people have told me they like the watercolors better. So, to get a comparison, I drew today’s comic on watercolor paper. I had to scan it as line art first to do the digital coloring, but I’m going to watercolor it this weekend just to see how long it takes and what it ends up looking like. If you wanna see, I’ll come back and add it to this blog post when I’m done and it’s dry.

EDIT: Here’s the watercolored one. I . . . dunno. I need to keep practicing.

Dinosaur Kid 052 watercolor