Today’s comic just kept growing. It’s the first time I’ve spilled onto a second sheet of bristol board — so many panels. But it’s a thematic growth, too.

When I first started writing strips for these characters, they were mostly just 4-panel anatomy gags. But this fitness test story really got me thinking, and I realized that I can do more than just the standard t-rex tiny arms jokes. These characters are becoming more and more real to me every day, and part of being real is having problems and concerns that are mental, spiritual, or in today’s comic, physical. I still want Dinosaur Kid to be a feel-good comic, and I’ll always prefer to end a strip on a positive note; but I’m gonna try to explore sensitivity and empathy every now-and-again on top of that. Life’s not always fair to everyone, but everyone deserves to be treated fairly.

Here’s the final thumbnail for this one:

Dinosaur Kid 033 script