This is the big weekend — Planet Comicon in KCMO! I’ll be there all day Saturday and Sunday (that’s 10-7 and 10-5), at table 551, with three different prints for sale, eating 4 or 5 peanut butter and jelly pumpernickel sandwiches. Tickets are $20+ dollars, so you shouldn’t bother coming if it’s just to see me. But if you want to see a bunch of other stuff . . . YEAH! Do it! Check out their website if you’re still on the fence.

Tonight, I was taking my stuff to the convention center to set up. I had time to spare, though, so I set it up on a sidewalk in the Crossroads to see what kind of response I’d get during a First Friday. Within just a few minutes, some guy driving by gave me a huge thumbs up. BIG THUMBS. It was really cool, and I hope that dude knows how cool it was. Besides that, I met some folks and gave them some flyers if they were interested. I think I’ll go back in May, but I’ll try a different sidewalk.

Sorry there aren’t any backgrounds in today’s comic. It’s hard to do them in small black-and-white panels and not have them be distracting (I think that happened to some degree with the previous strip). But hey, Mouse Kid looks a lot better.